Visual style
Package type
Design inspiration
Colors to explore

Other color requirements
Food & Drink
Company name
Cherry Blossom Bakery
Existing website
Product name
2-3 tone bakery box designing
Description of the product
We are a Chinese bakery. famous for our egg custart tarts.
Description of the product target audience
This box is. 10x10x5 inches bakery goods like chinese bread, half dozen-1 dozen egg tarts and also birthday cakes
Creative vision
Style attributes
Design needs
this is a bakery box. keep to maximum 3 colors. simple , elegent and pleasing to the eye. customers range from chinese, asian americans, older and younger men and woman customers. i dont mind keep our box pink or yellow tones. hopefully designers can help me design a appealing. eye catching, and modern look , simple, elegent bakery box. thank you!
What to avoid
keep colors to a minimum yet nice and attention grabbing in a good way.
please Also our 2 locations on the box.
844 Clement Street
San Francisco CA 94118
1552 Ocean Avenue
San Francisco CA 94112
Package dimensions
10x10x5.. bakery boxes
Stock images
Client is not sure if they want stock images used in this contest.
Stock images are licensed photos and vector files. Please declare stock when you submit designs so that clients can pay for licenses.
Contest deliverables
1 x Product packaging
Final files
If you use fonts that require a license, confirm with the client they're ok with it. For licensing reasons, it is better to provide your client with information on how to acquire the font rather than providing the actual files.
I like . Sharp simple colors and stand out