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- Ansprechendes, nutzerfreundliches Webdesign für Forum der NS-Gedenkstätten in Deutschland gesucht
verwaltunz got their new other web or app design by running a design contest:
Ansprechendes, nutzerfreundliches Webdesign für Forum der NS-Gedenkstätten in Deutschland gesucht
Check out verwaltunz's Other web or app design contest…
It all began with a design brief.
A quick, interactive guide helped them understand their design style and captured exactly what they needed in their other web or app design.
Designers across the globe delivered design magic.
design entries
You’ll get loads of concepts from experienced designers around the globe.
Work with talented, professional Other web or app design designers to turn your ideas into reality.
Select your favorite custom Other web or app design (Or two! Or three!). And the design is all yours.
verwaltunz collaborated with designers to refine their ideas
Rate designs
When design entries come in, you can rate them so designers know what you’re looking for in your logo design.
Give feedback
99designs has great collaboration tools so you can pinpoint and capture your ideas
And then… they selected a winner!
Client review
Sehr angenehme und professionelle Zusammenarbeit
kontaktffAlong the way, they met lots of talented designers…
We think contests are a super fun way to get design.
Recently completed contests:
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