This proposal strives to clean up the number of elements in the current site, taking into account the briefing delivered by the client.
Since this is a wearable item with high-tech components, the proposal has a fabric-like pattern applied as support for certain elements, trying to reflect the nature of the object.
The solid grid design allows for the easy creation of components, in desktop and mobile.
The top of the page on the desktop design —the yellow part of the design at the top— is a video that combines snippets from a number of current videos. The inflation video goes there (the one with the blue-eyed woman on facebook), and the one about use of the product as a fashion device (casual riding in the city).
The top of the page on mobile version mimics the way the clocks' faces are shown on mobile at the user will be able to slide the finger left and right to see how the airbag deploys.